The Colorpoint Shorthair is a very talkative breed that loves to chat This opinionated cat will keep you informed of his happiness level in a loud and raspy way Colorpoints come in 16 colors and patterns The Colorpoint Shorthair is extremely intelligent and can be taught to play gamesThe Colorpoint Shorthair is a Siamese of a different color—nontraditional colors, that is The breed was developed using Siamese as the foundation and then crossing it with a red American Shorthair to bring in a new color That was successful and attractive, and the cats became the basis for a new breed the Colorpoint ShorthairJan 28, 14 · Le caractère du chat Oriental Shorthair L'oriental est un chat très attachant et lié à son maître à qui il apporte beaucoup de preuves d'affection Il supporte mal d'être abandonné et n'aime guère la solitude Son défaut serait donc d'être un peu trop collant, mais est ce un défaut pour un chat de compagnie
Colorpoint Shorthair Easy To Follow Guide And Expert S Advice